The Blog

The Psychology Behind Leaving Therapy Early

The Psychology Behind Leaving Therapy Early

One of the common reasons why individuals leave therapy before they are ready is the fear of vulnerability. Therapy often requires individuals to open up and share their deepest thoughts and emotions, which can be intimidating.

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6 Hours a Week to a Better Relationship

6 Hours a Week to a Better Relationship

Many couples want to have a better relationship but they don’t know where to start. They want to feel love and mutual trust but are unsure about how to build it. The first step begins with…

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Persistence and the Giant Bamboo

Persistence and the Giant Bamboo

I wanted to quit today. Badly. And the sun hadn’t even risen over the mountain ridge yet. I was finishing my third speed interval on the high school track and I felt horrible. I’ve been running consistently for three years trying to get fast enough to complete a...

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